(251)333-8700 Detailing & Ceramic Coatings Baldwin County Alabama
(251)333-8700 Detailing & Ceramic Coatings Baldwin County Alabama
A ceramic coating's first purpose is to protect your clearcoat and by proxy, your paint. Usually much harder and more durable than factory clearcoats, ceramic coatings fill in the microscopic pits and grooves in your clearcoat caused by every day wear and washing.
It's a fresh perfectly flat surface that will last looking new for longer.
The topmost layer on a ceramic coating is hydrophobic. On the microscopic level, this means billions of nano-sized needles per square inch, completely invisible to the naked eye and too small to affect optics, but enough to trap air underneath water, giving every droplet a free express ride on a cushion of trapped air straight to the road.
There is no better ceramic coating than Angelwax Genesis, and we are certified installers. Get a 5-year Angelwax Genesis ceramic coating on your vehicle. Check out how we prep and install it.
KleenWorks is a certified SB3 ceramic coating installer. Check out how SB3 was featured on Motor Trend Performance TV.
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